Scratch Maps
The original Scratch Maps imported from the original manufacturers Luckies of London.
Don’t get tricked into buying a copy, recreation or fake version of the Scratch Map® product. Luckies invented the Scratch Map® map concept in 2009 and have been producing them in the North of England ever since. Several million global sales later, we still LOVE Scratch Map® maps and when you look at them you can tell!
3 reasons to buy the ‘real deal’:
– We invented the concept so you get the original and best – Scratch Map® maps in their purest form, designed to look gorgeous and have high quality foil that is easy to remove after each trip.
– We use the best producers and processes on earth to make our Scratch Map® posters, so you can be sure that you’re buying the finest quality products with maximum integrity.
– Our award winning design team put more love and passion into each and every Scratch Map® design than our imitators could muster in a lifetime – avoid lazy imitators, support genuine creativity and original design!