Q Manifesto
Posted by Michelle Chan on
So, here we are, with a spankin' new site and a fresh new blog.
There are so many ways to start this but we figured, why don't we start with our own Quirks manifesto? Drumroll please.
Here at Quirks, we believe that life is anything but boring.
We believe that life's too big, too bold and too beautiful to be wasted on boring people, places and possessions.
We believe that a little something goes a long way and we should always push to be a little better, to live a little stronger and to dare a little bigger.
We believe that a weirdo lives inside each of us and being a bit too wacky for words is not just a good thing, but is the best thing that could happen to you.
We believe in celebrating eccentricities with exclamation points and never quizzing quirks with question marks.
We believe that fun is a function of life and there will always be room for it, as long as you make room.
And we believe that we can turn just about any day, any place, and anything into something, not just fun, but phenomenal.
So go ahead.
Pour chocolate milk on your cereal.
Start a slow clap in a meeting.
Hold up a FREE HUGS sign on the dance floor.
Sneak off to the playground in the middle of the night and slide the slides, swing the swings & seesaw the seesaws.
Use a purple pen on your quiz.
Make out in the middle of the mall.
Give a stranger a high-five and shout "Good job!"
Drive till the roads turn to soil, sand and snow.
Open a bag of potato chips and share it with the homeless.
And never forget that the best days are always ahead.
Because it always is.
And what's more fun than that?
Your move.
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